Senin, 07 April 2014

Soto Betawi Indonesian Original

Recipe Soto Betawi - It's never enjoyed soto Betawi typical capital ? Or just have not ever tried it? Already take it , you 've read this article fitting . Because this time I will share how to make soto Betawi recipe that you can try at home with ease .

Although you are not from the original Betawi , but it could not hurt to try this one special food . It tastes good and is very easy you can try it yourself . Recipe how to make soto Betawi is basically made ​​from milk gravy . However , this time I will share the recipe using coconut milk soto Betawi .

Although the broth of coconut milk , but the problem is guaranteed delicious and savory taste . Already intrigued by the recipe how to make delicious savory soto Betawi this original ? Right away , here is the recipe how to make a delicious savory soto Betawi original that you can practice at home .

Materials to Make Savory Soto Betawi Children :
500 grams of beef
1/2 coconut , grated coconut milk and grab ( coconut milk )
Item 3 boiled eggs
3 Fruit boiled potatoes
2 medium tomato fruit
Lemon juice to taste
Fried onions to taste
1 leek , sliced ​​into small pieces
1 vertebra galangal
1 Stem lemongrass , crushed
3 sheets of orange leaves
Salt , sugar to taste

 Soto Betawi ( Blend ) :
5 spring onions
3 cloves of garlic
5 pieces of hazelnut
1 cm turmeric , grilled minute so fragrant
1 cm ginger

How to Make Delicious Savory Soto Betawi :
Boil beef in 2 liters of water until tender , then cut the meat according to taste . I recommend to cut it to the size of dice . Do not waste the broth .
Heat a little oil , then after a hot saute seasonings that have been smoothed to issue a fragrant aroma .
After input fragrant meat that has been cut into pieces before.
Stir until smooth and then add the galangal , lime leaves , lemongrass , and the latter salt and sugar .
Enter the seasoning and stir the meat into the stew broth . Then add the coconut milk and stir occasionally . Cook until the meat is tender and the sauce slightly shrunk .
How to serve soto Betawi like this : In a serving bowl fill with sliced ​​hard-boiled eggs , sliced ​​boiled potatoes , and tomato slices . Add the meat and gravy soup then sprinkle scallions , fried shallots , and give a little lemon juice according to taste . And if you like, you can add sprinkles melinjo .
For the sambal soto Betawi could you make a way ; 5 pieces of red chili on the fries , then puree the red peppers and then give a little salt and add a little broth soup .
Similarly, Soto Betawi Recipes How to Make Original Delicious Savory that you can try at home with ease . Good luck and congratulations Cooking Recipes How to Make Original Delicious Savory Soto Betawi .

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