Selasa, 08 April 2014

chicken seasoning bali

Hi , will share the complete recipe recipes Indonesia again ya . This time associated with chicken meat . Yups , this time complete recipe will give you the recipe how to make chicken seasoning bali . With the characteristic of Indonesian dishes rich with spices , happy mother's family definitely ascertained if dimasakkan delicious Balinese chicken seasoning .

This seasoning chicken bali clear and definite wear chicken ingredients , herbs and spices such as ginger for more flavor Indonesian cuisine . Here's the step step how to make a delicious chicken seasoning for family bali beloved mother .

Bali Chicken seasoning ingredients :
1 chicken cut into 12 parts
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
2 bay leaves
3 kaffir lime leaves
1 cm galangal crushed
2 tomatoes cut into small pieces
2 tablespoons soy sauce
Spices :
8 pieces of red onion
4 pieces of garlic
2 cm ginger
10 pieces of red chili
1 fruit cubes
1 teaspoon salt
3 grains whole roasted hazelnut
How to Make Chicken Bumbu Bali :
Chickens that have been cleaned coat with lemon juice and salt to remove the fishy smell . Let stand for 15 minutes and then fried until cooked and set aside.
Then saute ground spices until fragrant then enter galangal , kaffir lime leaves , soy sauce , tomato greeting and stir until blended .
Then enter the fried chicken , stir well and give a little water . Cook until the flavors to infuse .
Remove and serve fried chicken seasoning bali delicious .
Addendum: When baked , place the chicken on the grill and pour the seasoning until fragrant and lift . Good luck at home mother respectively . thank you .

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