Kamis, 10 April 2014

delicious pepes salmon

Pepes Salmon is one of the famous of the many types of fish in Indonesian Pepes , a collaboration between salmon meat and spices native to Indonesia creates a taste that is very high . In addition to delicious and savory , Pepes Fish Salmon is also high in protein , because the salmon meat has high levels of protein and other nutrients that are good for our brains . Well , mothers at home do not need to be confused about how to make this spiced salmon , is easy enough anyway , following Salmon Recipe Pepes .

Materials - Materials :

The basic ingredients :

- 150 gr salmon sliced ​​thin
- 50 ounces sliced ​​tomatoes into small dice
- Sliced ​​scallions to taste
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp cooking oil
- Banana leaves for wrapping

Materials Spices that are :

- 2 cloves garlic
- 3 spring onions
- 3 eggs hazelnut
- 2 pieces of red chilli
- 1 slice of ginger
- 1 slice turmeric
- 1 orange leaves
- Salt to taste

Step - Step :

1 Mix all salmon cutlet with tomato , green onion , herbs that have been crushed and the oil and eggs . Stir until its all evenly .
2 Wrap it with all solid like rice cakes in banana leaves
3 Steamed up perfectly matured , spent roughly to 45 minutes. then lift
4 Serve for a family at home

Thus step by step cooking Pepes Salmon , with only a few ingredients and seasonings you are able to create a delicious spiced salmon and savory to the family home . Good luck yes .

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